Political Monitor 20/09/2013

20/09/13   Broadband New grant scheme to improve access to faster broadband in Wales Access Broadband Cymru, a new grant scheme designed to help individuals, businesses and communities in Wales access faster broadband is to open on 1st October.  The scheme will...

Political Monitor 13/09/2013

23/08/13 - 13/09/13   Ofcom Research into consumer understanding of traffic management Ofcom published a set of documents on traffic management, a research report into buying behaviour and ISP transparency and a guide for consumers to educate them about traffic...

Political Monitor 16/08/13

Ofcom Low awareness and usage of ADR Ofcom has published the results of a study indicating low levels of awareness and usage of ADR schemes among consumers of fixed and mobile voice and data services as well pay TV services.    The study indicates that complainants...

Political Monitor 02/08/13

Broadband   Give rural communities a fair deal Rural Affairs Committee urges government   In an inquiry scrutinising The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and its Rural Communities Policy Unit, the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee...

Political Monitor 19/07/2013

Broadband Public Accounts Committee scrutinises broadband rollout programme The National Audit Office published a critical report into the Government’s rural broadband programme recently. Criticisms included the lack of competition in the supplier process, questions...

Political Monitor 12/07/2013

Broadband Ministers must speed up £300m superfast broadband scheme The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has published a report, calling on the Government to review its approach to digital infrastructure development and recognise that investment in this area is...