Political Monitor 28/02/1014

Broadband Broadband funding announcement The Government has made a broadband spending announcement. Whilst the total figure of £250 million does not represent new money, the Government has provided details for how some of the money will be distributed. Scotland will...

Political Monitor 14/02/2014

Broadband Northern Irish rural broadband project The Northern Ireland Executive announced details of a £24.5million investment to improve rual broadband access in the north of Northern Irleand. The Northern Ireland Broadband Improvement Project is aimed at providing a...

Political Monitor 07/02/2014

Broadband Terms of Reference for DCMS Digital Communications Strategy Following its Communications Review, the Government announced in June 2013 that it would develop a Digital Communications Strategy. The Government now published a document setting out the terms of...

Political Monitor 31/01/2014

Broadband   Rural broadband PAC session   The Public Accounts Committee held a follow up session on the rural broadband programme. The key concerns were the same as those aired in July’s committee session, where Margaret Hodge MP accused Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK)...

Political Monitor 24/01/2014

Broadband Government publishes updated Broadband Impact Study Following on from the publication of a Literature Review and an Impact Report in 2013, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport published Broadband Impact Study. The new study looks at a range of...

Political Monitor 17/01/2014

Broadband New BDUK Chief Executive & more details on £10m fund to reach last 5% The appointment of a new Broadband Chief Executive, Chris Townsend, coincides with the release of further details about the previously announced £10m fund to support innovative rural...