Political Monitor 02/09/2016

Broadband   Jeremy Corbyn Launches Digital Manifesto As part of his leadership campaign, Jeremy Corbyn introduced his Digital Democracy Manifesto, which lays out his plans to win the next election by ‘harnessing the power of the internet’ and promises to deliver...

Political Monitor 26/08/2016

Broadband   DCMS Publish BDUK Performance Indicator The Department of Culture, Media, and Sport have published their Broadband Performance Indicator detailing BDUK funding of superfast broadband. More specifically, the report derives the number of premises...

Political Monitor 19/08/2016

Broadband   Ofcom publish responses to Universal Service Obligation consultation Ofcom published a summary of responses received on their Universal Service Obligation consultation.  There were diverging views, with industry advocating a ‘safety net’ approach and...

Political Monitor 05/08/2016

Broadband   Ofcom Publish Annual Communications Market Report Ofcom have published their annual Communications Market Report which examines changes in the communications market over the last year. The key points were: Total UK telecoms revenue grew in 2015, up by...

Political Monitor 29/07/2016

Broadband   Ofcom Publish Proposals for Openreach Independence Ofcom published ‘Strengthening Openreach’s strategic and operational independence’, which details plans for a more independent Openreach. Ofcom have avoided full structural separation, but pushed for...