Political Monitor 08/12/2017

Broadband Debate on Rural Poverty During a debate in the House of Lords on Rural Poverty, the Duke of Somerset (CB) raised the issue of poor rural broadband connectivity inhibiting the job supply. DCLG Parliamentary Under-Secretary Lord Gardiner agreed that broadband...

Political Monitor 01/12/2017

Broadband Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review DCMS has launched a review into Future Telecoms Infrastructure, in which the Government reiterated its intention to encourage the market to deliver full fibre and 5G connectivity across the UK. The review will seek to...

Political Monitor 24/11/2017

Broadband Launch of Gigabit broadband challenge fund DCMS has launched a £190m Gigabit broadband Challenge Fund as part of the Local Full Fibre Networks (LFFN) scheme to stimulate commercial investment in full fibre networks through public anchor tenancy. Public...

Political Monitor 17/11/2017

Broadband Gigabit Voucher Scheme Launched DCMS announced the launch of the Gigabit Voucher Scheme which seeks to boost fibre connectivity as part of the Local Full Fibre Network (LFFN) programme, in four pilot areas: Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire, Bristol, with Bath and...

Political Monitor 10/11/2017

Broadband Treasury Committee hears evidence from the National Infrastructure Commission The Treasury Committee took evidence on the work of the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) from Lord Adonis (chair), Sir John Armitt, (deputy chair) and Phil Graham (chief...

Political Monitor 03/11/2017

Broadband Matt Hancock’s Speech at BSG conference Digital Minister, Matt Hancock MP, spoke at the Annual Conference of the Broadband Stakeholder Group on the importance of fibre connectivity. He began by praising the current connectivity levels in the UK, and the part...