Political Monitor 01/11/2019

Broadband & Connectivity DCMS Designate Statement of Strategic Priorities to Ofcom DCMS Secretary Nicky Morgan has laid the Government’s Statement of Strategic Priorities (SSP) to Ofcom in Parliament. This was laid in draft in July, and can be found here, and is...

Political Monitor 25/10/2019

Broadband & Connectivity Government announce £500m of funding for mobile not spots DCMS have announced that they are “closing in on a deal” which will see Government match £500m funding from Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to “give high-quality 4G coverage to 95...

Political Monitor 18/10/2019

Broadband Queens’ Speech: Bills on wayleaves & new builds and funding increase The Government used this week’s Queen’s Speech to introduce its legislative agenda, including around broadband infrastructure. More information can be found here, though detail at this...

Political Monitor 11/10/2019

Broadband Government respond to consultation on wayleaves The Government have published their response to the consultation on wayleaves – Ensuring tenants’ access to gigabit-capable connections - ISPA responded to the consultation last December. The Government is...

Political Monitor 04/10/2019

Broadband Government indicates increased broadband investment Speaking at the Conservative party conference, Sajid Javid, the Chancellor, pledged that the Government would provide £5bn to support the rollout of gigabit-capable broadband in the hardest to reach 20% of...

Political Monitor 27/09/2019

Ofcom Broadband pricing review Ofcom set out the results of their review into broadband pricing, which found that  people who sign a new deal with their current provider could typically pay £8-9 less per month than customers who remain out of contract. Ofcom go on to...