Political Monitor 17/11/2017

Broadband Gigabit Voucher Scheme Launched DCMS announced the launch of the Gigabit Voucher Scheme which seeks to boost fibre connectivity as part of the Local Full Fibre Network (LFFN) programme, in four pilot areas: Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire, Bristol, with Bath and...

Political Monitor 10/11/2017

Broadband Treasury Committee hears evidence from the National Infrastructure Commission The Treasury Committee took evidence on the work of the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) from Lord Adonis (chair), Sir John Armitt, (deputy chair) and Phil Graham (chief...

Political Monitor 03/11/2017

Broadband Matt Hancock’s Speech at BSG conference Digital Minister, Matt Hancock MP, spoke at the Annual Conference of the Broadband Stakeholder Group on the importance of fibre connectivity. He began by praising the current connectivity levels in the UK, and the part...

November Newsletter

ISPA Conference 2017 -  What lies ahead for the UK Internet Industry Last few tickets remaining Sponsored by       Media Partner  ISPA's 12th Annual Conference is taking place on Wednesday 8th November at the iconic BT Tower, London. It is ISPA’s largest and most high...

Political Monitor 27/10/2017

Broadband Which? report on household broadband issues Which? has released the results of their survey on broadband customer satisfaction which found that over half (53%) of respondents had a problem with their broadband in the last year, with slow speeds highlighted...

Political Monitor 20/10/2017

Broadband Applications open for Gigabit Voucher Scheme BDUK has opened applications for the first wave of the LFFN Gigabit Voucher Scheme. The scheme will replace the previous voucher scheme which ran from 2013-15 and will be rolled out as a pilot in Aberdeen and...

Political Monitor 13/10/2017

Broadband Telecommunications infrastructure (Relief from non-domestic rates) Bill The second reading of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill took place in the House of Lords, legislating on the 5 years of business rates relief for newly laid fibre. The...

Political Monitor 06/10/2017

Online Safety Amber Rudd Tightens Government Stance on Online Extremism and Child Sexual Abuse Imagery Home Secretary Amber Rudd has used her speech at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester to outline a tightening of Government policy regarding online images...