Internet Hero sponsored by NetLynk winner: The Guardian

For their excellent reporting of mass surveillance programmes.


Internet Villain sponsored by NetLynk winner: GCHQ/NSA

For running the widest covert electronic surveillance programme in the world.


Best Superfast Broadband winner: Hyperoptic

The judges felt Hyperoptic have made a huge impact, delivering excellent speeds and performance in an increasing number of towns and cities.


Best Consumer Fixed Broadband winner: Plusnet

The judges felt their consumer friendly pricing without compromising the user experience made the difference.


Best Business Fixed Broadband winner: Urban Wimax

Urban Wimax clearly filled a gap in the market with a truly innovative and reliable product.


Best Wireless sponsored by LinITX winner: Metronet (UK) (commendation for Boundless Communications)

The speed, flexibility and reliability of Metronet’s services show there is nothing to fear about wireless.


Customer Choice winner: Catalyst2

Customers had the following to say: They create FANS not just customers with their service” and Their support is second to none - - priceless.


Best Shared Hosting winner: MacAce

Their competitive pricing and commitment to customer service makes for a great and reliable hosting service.


Best Dedicated Hosting winner: Storm Internet

Their multi-platform servers, scalability and fast hardware replacement made the judges feel Storm gave the most reassurance to customers.


Best VoIP winner: Soho66

In a very tight contest, the value for money, company culture and high performance gave Soho66 the edge.


Best Consumer Customer Service winner: Catalyst2

Their dedication to providing a personal service and high customer loyalty impressed the judges.


Best Business Customer Service winner: Exa Networks

The judges were impressed in how many extra miles Exa went to help their customers in need.


Internet Safety & Security sponsored by Wick Hill winner: Sky

Their engagement, the depth and breadth of their awareness campaign as well as the clarity of advice and support to parents made Sky the clear winners.


Managed Service Innovation winner: Memset

Memset’s easy implemented range of services and competitive pricing were backed up by some impressive testimonials on how they’ve made the difference.


Best Business Use of Cloud winner: Talk Straight

Talk Straight’s cloud application provides schools with an excellent and bespoke management tool that works across all school devices and systems.


Best Use of Digital sponsored by Tagadab winner: Hyperoptic

The way Hyperoptic engage with communities across all digital platforms, as well as innovative marketing impressed the judges. Not just pushing the speed boundaries, but how to engage in a digital world.